Personal Alias reference

All you need to do for personal aliases to work is to create a Neocities page that uses your IRC nick in combination with a specific name tag that IBM_5100 looks for. The tag is:


This tag should always go before your IRC nick. If you for example nick:


Then your Neocities name should be:


(The Neocities name isn't case sensetive).

Once your Neocities account is created you need to go to the dashboard and create a new html file. Just click Create New HTML Page and name the page alias .

Now you're free to add aliases to your alias.html page. To add aliases edit the page from the dashboard by clicking Edit with text editor. You then add aliases by creating new p tags with with id's matching the name of the alias. The name of the id is what you will be referencing when typing !pa.

Examples of what to put in the html file:

<p id="hello">Hello</p>
<p id="world">World</p>
<p id="both">Hello world</p>

If we follow the example above: !pa hello would return:


And !pa both would return:

Hello world

Once you're done you might want to check and see if it works. For testing consider sending the commands in a private /msg to IBM_5100.
( /msg IBM_5100 !pa alias )

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